When you assign a location to an event, it will be included in confirmations and reminders to clients, as well as in your portal. This ensures everyone knows where to be and when.

Note: When you specify the location of a session pack or class, every new session or class date added will use that location by default. However, individual events can be edited and have different locations specified if required.

Remote platforms

The following locations are pre-installed into every Striive account:


Select Zoom as the event location and you'll be asked to enter a meeting link and password (if needed). These details will then be sent to every client so they know how to join when the time comes.

Google Meet

Select Google Meet as the event location and you'll be asked to enter a meeting link. This will then be sent to every client so they know how to join when the time comes.


Select Skype as the event location and you'll be asked to enter a group link. This should be a group you already have set up within Skype. This will then be sent to every client so they know how to join when the time comes.


Select WhatsApp as the event location and you'll be asked to enter a group link. This should be a group you already have set up within WhatsApp. This will then be sent to every client so they know how to join when the time comes.

Video call

Use the Video Call option if you are planning to meet your clients on a direct call such as FaceTime or Messenger. Striive will not provide any meeting details to the client. Instead it is assumed you will call them or they know where to go to join.

Your locations

In addition to the remote locations above, Striive lets to add your own too. These can be anything you want (gyms, public places, employer premises, landmarks, etc.), but note that if assigned to client events, their names will be visible in schedules, confirmation emails and reminder notifications.

Note: If you provide services in client homes and travel between them, we recommend not creating a location for each client address. This is for practical and data privacy purposes. Instead we recommend you create a single location called 'Client home' for use across multiple clients.