With Striive you can keep track of any upcoming events without an assigned teacher, and even offer them to other team members via the cover list.

Unassigned events

If you’re adding a class date or session to the calendar and the usual teacher isn’t available, you can still save them as unassigned. If a teacher becomes unavailable after the class date or session has been planned, you can easily remove the teacher and save the class date as unassigned.

Any unassigned events in your organisation will appear in the admin area of your dashboard under 'Schedule' so you don’t forget about them. Unassigned events can either stay private to you as the organisation owner or become available to your team members via the cover list.

Note: Unassigned events will have no teacher displayed on your client facing schedule. They will not be displayed as 'unassigned'.

Cover list

You can add classes and sessions to the cover list as you plan them, or afterwards if the teacher becomes unavailable later.

When events are added to the cover list your team members will be able to find them on their dashboard.

When browsing the list of available events your team members can see the:

  • Name of the client the session is with, or the name of the class
  • Date, time, and location of the event
  • Name of the teacher they would be covering for
  • Clients already enrolled onto each class

Note: As the organisation owner you do not have access to the cover list as you are able to claim events directly from the unassigned events list.