Access the clients section from the main navigation and you'll be greeted with a list of all your current clients. We call this list your roster. 

Here you can see:

  • The name of each client with their email address and photo (if added)
  • The date of their last activity (session or class)
  • The date of their next activity (session or class)
  • Whether they have access to your client area and Striive client app, and if they do when they were last seen there

Above your client roster is a filtering panel. Use this to search for a specific client by name or email address. There is also a switch to reveal any old clients you may have archived.

Client information

For each of your clients, Striive lets you add and manage the following:

  • Their basic personal information (including contact details).
  • The details of an emergency contact.
  • General notes (commonly used to record personal goals or limitations).
  • A sign-able service agreement (your terms of service/contract).
  • Their answers to a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q).
  • The password they use to access your client area and Striive client app.

Adding new clients

There are a few ways you can add a new client to your roster. You can read more about those here.

Archiving clients

Click here to learn more about archiving and restoring clients.

Client data and GDPR

As a professional service provider, it is important that you retain records relating to the clients you have provided services for. What data you should store and for how long can vary greatly depending upon your services and the length of time you are accountable.

Striive does not impose a data retention or removal policy upon you. You are the controller of any data you store within your Striive account and Striive operates only as a data processor. We encourage you to periodically review the information stored in your Striive account, including when that information might be reasonably removed. Below are some potential considerations.

Personal details

If a client stops receiving services from you, what information about them should you retain? Could their address, phone number and emergency contact details reasonably be removed?


Are all your client notes necessary? Only store the information you currently need to deliver an effective service.

Agreements and assessments

How long should you retain client physical assessments and signed agreements? Ensure you do not remove information you might later need to rely upon to settle a dispute.