Once a session pack has started, even if plans change you can make changes.

How to edit a pack

You can reach the edit screen by using the menu on the right hand side of the session packs list screen. Alternatively view the details of a pack and find the edit option in the menu at the top right of the screen.

What can you change?


Changing the name of an existing pack will change how it appears inside the Striive app to you, and to your clients in your portal.


If your organisation has multiple team members, the edit form will also display the option to change the pack teacher. All future sessions will be assigned to this teacher by default.

Note: Changing the pack teacher will not affect sessions already planned. If you have sessions in the pack that are assigned to the wrong teacher you will need to change these manually. To do this find the session that needs changing in the pack sessions list or on the calendar. Click the session to open it's details and select the 'Teacher' option from the menu at the top right.


Changing the location of a session pack will change the pack default. All new sessions planned in the future will initially use this new location. Any sessions already planned (including those in the past) will remain unchanged.


It is possible to change the pack time to be equal to, or greater than, the length of any sessions already added to the pack. If you need to make the pack shorter than this, you will first need to remove the planned sessions that you won't be delivering.

Alternatively you might want to cancel the session pack instead.


You can edit the price of the pack for all the participating clients. However you can only reduce the price to an amount that is the same or greater than the total of any payments the client has already made. If you need to make the price less than this, you will need to add a refund before editing the pack price.

Alternatively you might want to cancel the session pack instead.

Enable/disable session reminders

This will change whether reminders are sent for future pack sessions.

Pack sale date

When a pack is created within your account, the sale date is set to be the current date. If you need to change the date the pack will appear in your financial reports (for example if you are adding existing packs to a new Striive account) then you can manually change this purchased date here.

Note: It is only possible to edit the sale date of a manually created session pack. Packs purchased by clients via Striive Payments cannot have their purchase dates changed. If the date cannot be changed it will appear like the below.