
How to use Striive to set up and run client sessions.

Sessions overview

If you arrange to meet clients privately or in small groups, use session packs to make selling, tracking and delivering your time simple.

Creating a session pack

Create sessions packs for your clients in order to arrange sessions, tracking their delivery, attendance, and payment until complete

Creating a session pack (with team members)

Create session packs to be delivered by you or other members of your team, tracking delivery, attendance, and payments until complete.

Creating a session package for your shop

Display pre-configured session packages in your client area and app shop for clients to purchase.

Editing a session pack

Once a session pack has started, even if plans change you can make changes. How to edit a pack You can reach the edit screen by using the menu on the right hand side of the session packs list screen. Alternatively view the details of a pack and fi...

Ending a session pack early

If you or a client cannot complete the delivery of a session pack, then you might need to end it early. To make this as quick and easy as possible, Striive includes a session pack cancellation process. When is cancellation possible? To cancel a pa...

Session pack payments

Session packs you created yourself can accept both offline and online payments.

Session pack overpayments

If a client has paid you more than they owe, we call this an overpayment.

Locations and session packs

When a new session pack is created (either by you manually, or when a client purchases a package) it will have a location set. This location is treated as the default. This means it will be inherited by every session created within the pack. Howev...